Monday, 27 June 2016

Fire Extinguishers Related Mistakes In A Workplace

Fire extinguishers can play the hero role of saving lives when a fire breaks out. They can give people the chance to suppress flames as well as the time to escape any danger. However, there are fire extinguisher related common mistakes that people make in workplace. Some of these mistakes are mentioned below –

Not having enough instrument installed in the office building – It is a blunder that can lead to severe outcomes like lost lives and property damage. Still in many office buildings, not enough numbers of extinguishers are installed. It is vital that there are enough safety equipment on a floor or level, so that one can grab it to suppress flames when needed.

The lack of these instruments can lead to confusion and chaos, which is not good in such situations. So, call a fire extinguishers services company to get the installation done.

Not having the right types of safety equipment installed – It is another mistake that some people make when it comes to fire extinguishers in a workplace. Every building requires different type of safety equipment depending on the work that is done there. For example, Class K equipment are considered the best for restaurants where grease or hot oils are at a risk of catching fire.

So, it is advised to make sure that your workplace has the right type of safety equipment installed.

Not educating employees about the use of instrument – Fire extinguishers will be of no use in an emergency if they do not know how to use them. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your staff members know how to use these instruments to suppress blazes.

You should organize training programs in your workplace to ensure that all your employees are trained in this field, so that they can save their and others’ lives.

Avoid the aforementioned mistakes in your workplace to ensure everyone’s safety in case a fire breaks out.